
Archive for July, 2012

What’s that?  You’re all sad and depressed because you like fried chicken in sandwiches but the folks over at Chick-fil-A hate gay people?  We’ll the bad news if that if you don’t have another place near you you don’t have any easy options, the good news is that you can cook one up on your […]

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I’ve heard plenty about the stance of the management of Chick-Fil-A but I’m still surprized by how open they are about their anti gay marriage position.  They have every right to express their religion openly but it is hypocritical for them to take such a strong stance against the rights of others when they are […]

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It Begins!

It all starts with a sandwich, but in our case it starts with a text, that becomes an idea to raise money for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender causes, then it becomes a sandwich and with any luck the end result is real positive change.  We aren’t out to change everything on our own but through […]

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